

来源: | 发布时间:2018-10-21| 点击:





大会开幕式由经管学院黄劲松教授主持。开幕式后,这场学术盛宴正式开始。上午来自美国威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校的Sanjoy Ghose教授介绍了“数字经济时代市场研究的潜力和挑战”;澳大利亚莫纳什大学的郭贤达教授针对“推动绿色消费:消费者心理视角”这一主题展开演讲;澳门大学的林朗为教授讲述了“解析全球商业研究中中庸之道的简与繁”,而中欧国际工商学院王泰元副教授则阐述了“人力资本收购与组织创新:时空观点”这一议题。

下午,法国 ESCP 商学院周炜教授、999策略白菜官方网站姚忠教授、中国人民大学张瑾副教授、对外经济贸易大学蒋灵多助理教授,以及北京师范大学鞠冬助理教授和李艳助理教授、天津大学罗城助理教授、999策略白菜官方网站马琳副教授、杜文宇博士和解蕴慧博士分别作了前沿报告,阐述了他们在相应领域的最新研究发现。






The 4th Beihang IEB Forum Opened for the Celebrationof the 66th Anniversary of the Founding of Beihang University

In Oct 20, 2018, the fourth Beihang International Economics and Business(IEB) Forum was held in Ruxin Convention Center. The forum on "New Perspectiveson Global Business Research—Challenge, Innovation and Communications "asthe theme, is organized by Institute of Economics & Business and School ofEconomics & Management. The conference invited many well-known scholars fromUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Monash University, University of Macau,China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), ESCP Europe BusinessSchool, University of International Business and Economics, Renmin Universityof China, Beijing Normal University, Tianjin University and Beihang University.

Professor Yunpeng Wang, the Vice-president of Beihang, first addressedthe conference on behalf of the university. He introduced the developmenthistory and brilliant achievements of Beihang University and the birth backgroundof the Institute of Economics & Business. On behalf of the school, heexpressed his welcome and gratitude to scholars from all over the world, andwished the conference a complete success.

Later, Professor Ying Fan, Dean of School of Economics & Managementof Beihang University, on behalf of the school, also delivered a warm speech,saying that the theme of this forum has promoted the development of globalbusiness research, and that a batch of talents has joined the Institute ofEconomics & Business and helped the research of Beihang University toachieve fruitful results. Dean Ying Fan also expressed her warm welcome to thedistinguished guests, and extended her sincere appreciation to them for theirsupport to this forum and the Institute of Economics & Business.

The forum was chaired by Professor Jinsong Huang. After the openingceremony of the forum, Prof. Sanjoy Ghose of University of Wisconsin-Milwaukeeintroduced the topic on “Potential and Challenges of Marketing Research in theEra of Digital Economy”, Prof. Hean Tat Keh of Monash University gave hisspeech themed by “Promoting Green Consumption: A Consumer PsychologyPerspective”, Prof. Rico Long Wai Lam of University of Macau delivered a speechfocused on “Analyzing Simple and Complex Moderation in Global Business Research”,and Associate Prof. Taiyuan Wang of China Europe International Business School(CEIBS) made a point on “Human Capital Acquisition and Organization Innovation:A Temporal Perspective”.

In the afternoon, Prof. Wei Zhou of ESCP Europe Business School, Prof.Zhong Yao of Beihang University, Assistant Prof. Lingduo Jiang of University ofInternational Business and Economics, Associate Prof. Jin Zhang of RenminUniversity of China, and Assistant Prof. Dong Ju and Yan Li of Beijing NormalUniversity, Assistant Prof. Cheng Luo of Tianjin University, Dr. Wenyu Du andYunhui Xie, and Associate Prof. Lin Ma of Beihang University gave excellentreports on their latest research respectively.The reports, diverse in topics and rich in content,have high level of results and are of great value. 

This forum provides a platform for communications and interactions betweenthe domestic and foreign scholars in the field of frontier of economicsresearch, and it also brings an academic visual feast for the SEM’s teachersand students. In the future, the Institute of Economic and Business willcontinue to enhance dialogues and cooperation with leading scholars at home andabroad to promote the development of disciplines of economics and business.