
【北航经商大讲堂 第25期】美国康奈尔大学洪永淼教授做客北航经商大讲堂

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Professor Hong is currently theErnest S. Liu Professor of Economics and International Studies in Department ofEconomics at Cornell University. He is also Professor of Statistics and a fieldmember in Department of Statistical Sciences and a field member in Center ofApplied Mathematics at Cornell University.

Professor Hong received his BS inPhysics in 1985 and MA in Economics in 1988 from Xiamen University, his PHD inEconomics from University of California at San Diego and joined CornellUniversity in 1993. He was President of Chinese Economists Society in NorthAmerica in 2009-2010.

Professor Hong'sresearch interests include model specification testing, nonlinear time seriesanalysis, financial econometrics, and empirical studies on Chinese economy andfinancial markets. He publishes refereed articles in mainstream economic,financial and statistical journals such as Annals of Statistics, Biometrika,Econometric Theory, Econometrica, International Economic Review, Journal ofAmerican Statistical Association, Journal of Applied Econometrics, Journal ofBusiness and Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of PoliticalEconomy, Journal of Royal Statistical Society (Series B), Quarterly Journal ofEconomics, Review of Economic Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics,and Review of Financial Studies.