2019年春季北航999策略白菜手机论坛新开设的国际课程顺利开课了。3月,由美国耶鲁大学Ed Vytlacil教授讲授的“AppliedEconometrics and Data Analysis”研究生课程正在进行中,得到了上课学生的一致好评。
美国耶鲁大学Ed Vytlacil教授所讲授的“Applied Econometrics and DataAnalysis”课程,主要介绍了应用计量经济学与数据分析,重点是使用R软件来处理实际数据。从应用的角度关注线性回归和工具变量分析,重点是了解不同方法的优点和缺点、选择适当的方法来回答现实问题,并理解这些方法背后的直觉及使用强大的统计分析软件包(R)来分析实际数据。课程所涵盖的方法广泛适用于整个社会科学和金融,侧重于经济学的实质应用,特别在金融(分散化投资,CAPM)、教育经济学/劳动经济学(教育回报、班级规模对学生表现的影响)、家庭经济学/劳动经济学(生育率对女性劳动力供给的影响)和发展/农业经济学(保险对中国农民的影响)等领域。
The Smooth Ongoingof 2019 Spring Graduate Courses by Overseas Experts atBEIHANGSEM
2019Spring Graduate Courses by Overseas Experts are smoothly going on at BeihangSEM since March, 2019. In March, the course of "Applied Econometrics andData Analysis" is successfully given by Prof. Ed Vytlacil. The course hasgot praises from students of Beihang SEM.
Thecourse of "AppliedEconometrics and Data Analysis " by Prof. Ed Vytlacil from Yale University,introduces applied econometrics and data analysis, with emphasis on using R towork with real data. The course will focus on linear regression andinstrumental variables analysis from an applied perspective, with emphasis on:1) Understand the strengths and weaknesses of different methods. 2) Be able tochoose appropriate methods to answer real-world questions. 3) Understand theintuition behind these methods. 4) Be able to apply these methods to analyzereal data with a powerful statistical analysis package (R).The methodologycovered in this course is broadly applicable throughout the social sciences andfinance, and numerous applications will be discussed, though we will focus onsubstantive applications in economics, particularly in the following areas:Finance (asset diversification, CAPM), Education Economics/LaborEconomics (returns to schooling, effects of class size on studentperformance), Family Economics/Labor Economics (Effect of fertility onfemale labor supply), and Development/Agricultural economics (the effect ofinsurance on Chinese farmers).
During the courses, students were listening carefully, and asked questionsactively. During the break, the discussion between professors and audience wereas hot as the weather.