




王珊珊 统计学博士博士生导师

2019年8月-至今 北航经管学院数量经济与商务统计系 副教授



Office: A931








  1. 博士 北京师范大学统计学导师:崔恒建教授 (201109-201407)

  2. 硕士 北京师范大学统计学 导师:崔恒建教授(200809-201107)

  3. 学士 青岛大学 数学与应用数学(200409-200807)


  1. 访问学者 新加坡南洋理工大学生物统计学(201908-201910)

  2. 博士后新加坡南洋理工大学生物统计学(201408-201512)

  3. 普通访问学者新加坡南洋理工大学生物统计学(201309-201405)


  1. 硕(博)士课程:高等计量经济学(博)、R语言建模实验(硕)、统计学学科综合课(博)、非参数和半参数统计分析

  2. 本科生:应用统计学、时间序列分析、非参数统计、数据分析与可视化


  1. 基于惩罚似然和经验似然方法的高维数据假设检验问题研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目,11701023,2018.01—2020.12),主持,已结题

  2. 超高维复杂数据建模和统计推断理论、方法与应用(北航青年拔尖人才支持计划,KG16044701),主持

  3. 农产品质量安全大数据分析

  • 药物残留中长期多维分析(横向课题,2020-2021),主持

  • 基于成分构成特征的多品种多产地分类鉴别技术及其应用(横向课题,2018-2019),主持,已结题

  • 农药残留指数及其指标体系构建(横向课题,KH54034101,2016--2017),主持,已结题

  • 农药残留检测数据可视化(横向课题,KH54034301,2016-2017),主持,已结题


(See details inhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shanshan_Wang24)

  1. TingtingHuang, Saporta Gilbert,HuiwenWang,ShanshanWang*. A Robust Spatial Autoregressive Scalar-on-Function Rregression with t-distribution.Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 2021,15(1):57-81

  2. Xiaokang Wang, Huiwen Wang,Shanshan Wang*, Jidong Yuan.Convex Clustering Method for Compositional Data via Sparse Group Lasso, Neurocomputing,2021,425:23-36

  3. Huiwen Wang, Zhichao Wang &Shanshan Wang* . Sliced inverse regression method for multivariate compositional data modeling,Statistical Papers,2021,62(1):361-393

  4. Wang Huiwen, Liu Ruiping,Wang Shanshan*. Ultra-high dimensional variable screening via Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization.Computational Statistics,2020,35:1153-1170

  5. Zhichao Wang, Huiwen Wang,Shanshan Wang*, Shan Lu, Gilbert Saporta.Linear mixed-effects model for longitudinal complex data with diversified characteristics,Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 2020, 5(2):105-124

  6. Zhichao Wang, Huiwen Wan

    ,Shanshan Wang*. Linear Mixed-Effects Model for Multivariate Longitudinal Compositional Data.Neurocomputing,2019,335: 48-58.

  7. Wang Huiwen, Gu Jie,Wang Shanshan*,Gilbert Saporta. Spatial partial least squares autoregression: Algorithm and applications,Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems,2019,184: 123-131

  8. Wang Shanshan, Xiang Liming*. Penalized empirical likelihood inference for sparse additive hazards regression with a diverging number of covariates.Statistics and Computing, 2017, 27(5): 1347-1364.

  9. Wang Shanshan, Xiang Liming*. Two-layer EM-algorithm for ALD mixture regression models: A new solution to composite quantile regression.Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2017, 115:136-154.

  10. Wang Shanshan, Cui Hengjian*. Partial penalized empirical likelihood ratio test under sparse case.Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 2017, 32(2): 327-344

  11. Jie Gu, Lihong Wang, Huiwen Wang,Shanshan Wang*. A novel approach to intrusion detection using SVM ensemble with feature augmentation.Computers & Security, 2019, 86:53-62

  12. Yu Yang, Zou Zhihong,Wang Shanshan*. Statistical regression modeling for energy consumption in wastewater treatment.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2019, 75: 201-208.

  13. Haitao Zheng, Jie Hu,Shanshan Wang*, Huiwen Wang. Examining the influencing factors of CO2 emissions at city level via panel quantile regression: evidence from 102 Chinese cities.Applied Economics, 2019, 51(35): 3906-3919.

  14. Wang Huiwen, Huang Tingting,Wang Shanshan*. A Flexible Spatial Autoregressive Modelling Framework for Mixed Covariates of Multiple Data Types,Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 2019, DOI:10.1080/03610918.2019.1626885

  15. Yuan Wei, Huiwen Wang,Shanshan Wang*, Saporta, Gilbert. Incremental modelling for compositional data streams.Communications in Statistics- Simulation and Computation,2019, 48(8):2229-2243

  16. Wang Shanshan, Hu Tao*, Cui Hengjian. Adjusted empirical likelihood inference for additive hazards regression.Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2016, 45(24):7294-7305

  17. Wang Shanshan, Cui Hengjian. Empirical Likelihood Inference for Partially Linear Errors in Variables models with covariate data missing at random.Acta Mathematica Applicatae Sinica (English series), 2016, 32(2), 305-318.

  18. Wang Shanshan, Cui Hengjian*, Li, Runze. Empirical Likelihood Inference for Semi-parametric Estimating Equations.Science China Mathematics, 2013, 56: 1247–1262.

  19. Wang Shanshan,Cui Hengjian*. Partial Penalized Likelihood Ratio Test under Sparse Case.Statistics,2013.

  20. Liu Ruiping, Wang Huiwen,Wang Shanshan*. Functional variable selection via Gram- Schmidt orthogonalization for multiple functional linear regression.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2018, 88(18): 3664-3680

  21. Yang Yu, Zhihong Zou,Shanshan Wang*. Bayesian quantile regression and variable selection for partial linear single-index model: Using free knot spline,Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2018,48(5),1429-1449

  22. Wang Huiwen, Gu Jie,Wang Shanshan*. An effective intrusion detection framework based on SVM with feature augmentation.Knowledge-Based Systems, 2017,136:130-139.

  23. Wei Yuan,Wang Shanshan*, Wang Huiwen. Interval-valued data regression using partial linear model.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2017, 87(16): 3175-3194

  24. Zhou Jiantao,Wang Shanshan*, Zhou Jianbo, Xu Yanli. Measurement of the severity of opportuneistic fraud in personal injury insurance: evidence from China.Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017, 53(2): 387-399

  25. Wang Shanshan, Zhao Tianhao, Zheng Haitao*, Hu Jie. The STIRPAT Analysis on Carbon Emission in Chinese Cities: An Asymmetric Laplace Distribution Mixture Model.Sustainability, 2017, 9(12), 2237

  26. Yu Yang, Zou Zhihong,Wang Shanshan, Renate Meyer*. Bayesian non-parametric modelling of the link function in the single-index model using a Bernstein-Dirichlet process prior.Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 2019, 89(17): 3290-3312

  27. Peng Mengjiao, Xiang Liming*,Wang Shanshan. Semiparametric regression analysis of clustered survival data with semi-competing risks,Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 2018, 124:53-70

  28. Zheng Haitao, Hu Jie, Guan Rong* andWang Shanshan. Examining Determinants of CO2 Emissions in 73 Cities in China.Sustainability,2016,8(12), 1296.

  29. Wang H, Zhang Y, Lu S andWang S*. Tracking and forecasting milepost moments of the epidemic in the early-outbreak: framework and applications to the COVID-19.F1000Research,2020, 9:333

  30. 王珂瑶,王惠文,赵青,王珊珊*.一种修正的马氏距离判别法[J/OL].999策略白菜官方网站学报:1-9[2021-07-09].

  31. 赵青,王惠文,王珊珊*.基于中心-对数半长的区间数据主成分分析[J/OL].999策略白菜官方网站学报:1-11[2021-07-09].

  32. 赵宪铎,王惠文,王珊珊*.带空间结构的人工神经网络建模方法[J].999策略白菜官方网站学报,2021,47(01):115-122.

  33. 刘瑞平,王惠文,王珊珊*.基于Gram-Schmidt变换的有监督变量聚类[J/OL].999策略白菜官方网站学报, 2019, 45(10):1-9

  34. 王惠文*,王玉茹,任若恩,夏棒,王珊珊.实物资金流量表的预测方法研究[J].管理科学学报, 2018, 21(09):6-16.

  35. 王珊珊,韩丽娟*,崔恒建,杨华.基于大气降水的华北地区土壤湿度预测模型[J].应用气象学报, 2011, 22(4):445-452.


  36. Lu, S.,Wang, S*., Wang, H. PLSGLR-based Approach for Risk Analysis on Peer-to-peer Internet Finance Platforms in China. The 9th International Conference on PLS and Related Methods. 2017 June Macau.

  37. Zhou Jiantao, Ai Jing,Wang Shanshanand Wang Tianyang.Economic and Non-economic Losses Claim Effects on the Severity of Opportunistic Fraud in Auto Bodily Injury Compulsory Liability (BICL) Insurance: Evidence from China.7th China International Conference on Insurance and Risk Management (CICIRM),2016,,358-397


  38. 2020/09-2025/08:担任中国商业统计学会理事会理事

  39. 2019/10-2023/10:担任北京大数据协会第二届理事会理事

  40. 2019/07-至今:加入国际数理统计学会,成为IMS会员

  41. 2018/05-至今:Computer Simulation in Application编委

  42. 长期担任Computational Statistics & Data Analysis、Statistical papers、Scandinavian Journal of Statistics、IEEE Access、Knowledge-based system、Statistics、Applied Energy、Communication in Statistics等国际期刊匿名审稿人

  43. 2015/12-至今:担任《中国大百科全书》第三版管理科学与工程预测理论与方法分支秘书及撰稿人(组织分支会议、条目表编制和修订等);

【Selected Presentations】

The 2019 IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability, Dalin, China

The 9thInternational Conference on PLS and Related Methods, Macau, China 2017

International Conference on Energy Finance, Hangzhou, 2017

The 10thICSA International Conference, Shanghai, 2016

International Workshop on Advances in Data Science, Beijing, 2016

The 2thInternational Symposium on Interval Data Modelling: Theory and Applications, Xiamen, 2016

The1stInternational Conference onBig Data & Applied Statistics,Beijing, 2014

The16thand 17th5.4 Youth Meeting of Probability and Statistics in Beijing-Tianjin Area, Beijing, 2012 and 2013

The 9thAnnual Probability and Statistics, Tianjin, 2010

【Selected Awards】


Zhong Jiaqing Outstanding Paper Award,2012

Excellent Academic Scholarship, 2004-2008,2010,2013,2014

Excellent Graduate Student, 2012

The Second Race Scholarship, 2010

Excellent Student Cadres, 2010

The 6thNational Post-Graduate Mathematic Contest in Modeling, Third Prize, 2010

National Scholarship (Twice), 2005, 2006