







学界服务:曾任:中国系统工程学会副理事长(2018年到期卸任)、中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长(2019年到期卸任)、中国管理科学与工程学会副理事长(2017年到期卸任)、中国仿真学会副理事长(2023年卸任)、国务院学科评议组(管理科学与工程)成员(卸任)、国家杰出青年科学基金评审委员会委员(卸任)、国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部学科评议组专家和专家咨询委员会委员(卸任)。现任:国家自然科学基金委员会委员、国家社科基金学科规划评审组专家、教育部科技委管理学部委员、教育部教学指导委员会(管理科学与工程)委员、北京市高等教育学会副会长。2011年7月在UC Berkeley会议上当选ISTTT国际顾问委员会委员,2019当选WCTRS Steering Committee委员,2022年担任ISTTT24主席。

学术刊物:《Transportation Research Part B》(卸任)、《Transportation Research Part C》、《J Adv Transportation》、《Transportation Letters》、《J Systems Science and Complexity》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《管理科学学报》、《交通运输系统工程与信息》、《系统科学与数学》等刊物编委。2019年1月任《Transportation Research Part E》副主编。2017年1月任《Transport Policy》的Editor、2020年1月任该刊主编。2021年10月任《Transportation Science》Associate Editor和《Transportmetrica A》副主编。

论著发表:主要研究领域:交通运输系统建模与分析、交通行为经济学、道路交通流模型、生产运作管理、智慧交通与智慧物流。迄今(2023.12)已在Transportation Research Part A(5篇)、TR Part B(36篇)、TR Part C(15篇)、TR Part D(1篇)、TR Part E(11篇)、Transportation Science(4篇)、Operations Research(2篇)、EJOR(6篇)、JORS(2篇)、J. Transport Economics and Policy(1篇)、Networks and Spatial Economics(6篇)、TP(4篇)、J Air Transport Management(1篇)、Research in Transportation Economics(3篇)、Transportation(2篇)、PNAS(1篇)、Nature Communications(1篇)、Physical Review E(2篇)、Physica A(25篇)等国际学术刊物上发表论文260多篇。与Hai Yang合作完成的著作《Mathematical and Economic Theory of Road Pricing》2005年由 Elsevier 出版,出版中文著作6部。

Selected journal papers(部分交通运筹与经济学论文):

1. Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K.(1992). Modified Evans algorithms for solving the combined trip distribution and assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B 26, 325-337.

2. Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1992). A combined trip distribution and assignment model for multiple user classes. Transportation Research Part B 26, 275-287.

3. Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1992). Calibration of the combined trip distribution and assignment model for multiple user classes. Transportation Research Part B 26, 289-305.

4. Huang H.-J. (1995). A combined algorithm for solving and calibrating the stochastic user equilibrium assignment model. Journal of the Operational Research Society 46, 977-987.

5. Lam W.H.K. and Huang H.-J. (1995). Dynamic user optimal traffic assignment model for many to one travel demand. Transportation Research Part B 29, 243-259.

6. Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1997). Analysis of time-varying pricing of a bottleneck with elastic demand using optimal control theory. Transportation Research Part B 31, 425-440.

7. Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1998). The principle of marginal cost pricing: how does it work in general networks? Transportation Research Part A 32, 45-54.

8. Huang H.-J. and Xu G. (1998). Aggregate scheduling and network solving of multi-stage and multi-item manufacturing systems. European Journal of Operational Research 105, 52-65.

9. Huang H.-J. and Bell M.G.H. (1998) A study on logit assignment which excludes all cyclic flows. Transportation Research Part B 32, 401-412.

10. Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (1999) Carpooling and congestion pricing in a multilane highway with high-occupancy-vehicle lanes. Transportation Research Part A 33, 139-155.

11. Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Bell M.G.H. (2000) The models and economics of carpools. The Annals of Regional Science 34, 55-68.

12. Huang H.-J. and Yang H. (1999) Optimal utilization of a transport system with auto/transit parallel modes. Optimal Control Applications and Methods 20, 297-313.

13. Huang H.-J. (2000) Fares and tolls in a competitive system with transit and highway: The case with two groups of commuters. Transportation Research Part E 36, 267-284.

14. Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2002) Modeling and solving the dynamic user equilibrium route and departure time choice problem in network with queues. Transportation Research Part B 36, 253-273.

15. Lam W.H.K and Huang H.-J. (2002) A combined activity/travel choice model for congested road networks with queues. Transportation 29, 5-29.

16. Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2002) Quasi-continuous dynamic equilibrium assignment with departure time choice in congested unidirectional pedestrian networks. Journal of the Operational Research Society 53, 97-107.

17. Huang H.-J. (2002) Pricing and logit-based mode choice models of a transit and highway system with elastic demand. European Journal of Operational Research 140, 562-570.

18. Yang H. And Huang H.-J. (2004) The multi-class, multi-criteria traffic network equilibrium and system optimum problem. Transportation Research Part B 38, 1-15.

19. Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2004) Modeling user adoption of advanced traveler information systems: a control theoretic approach for optimal endogenous growth. Transportation Research Part C 12, 193-207.

20. Huang H.-J. and Lam W.H.K. (2005) A stochastic model for combined activity/destination/route choice problem. Annals of Operations Research 135, 111-125.

21. Zhang X.N., Yang H., Huang H.-J. and Zhang H.M. (2005) Integrated scheduling of daily work activities and morning-evening commutes with bottleneck congestion. Transportation Research Part A 39, 41-60.

22. Tang T.-Q., Huang H.-J. and Gao Z.Y. (2005) Stability of the car-following model on two lanes. Physical Review E 72, 066124.

23. Lam W.H.K., Li Z.C., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2006) Modeling time-dependent travel choice problems in road networks with multiple user classes and multiple parking facilities. Transportation Research Part B 40(5), 368-395.

24. Huang H.-J. and Li Z.C. (2007) A multiclass, multicriteria logit-based traffic equilibrium assignment model under ATIS. European Journal of Operational Research 176(3), 1464-1477.

25. Tian Q, Huang H.-J. and Yang H. (2007) Equilibrium properties of the morning peak-period commuting in a many-to-one mass transit system. Transportation Research Part B 41, 616-631.

26. Huang H.-J., Tian Q, Yang H and Gao ZY. (2007) Modal split and commuting pattern on a bottleneck-constrained highway. Transportation Research Part E 43, 578-590.

27. Zhang X.N., Huang H.-J. and Zhang H.M. (2008) Daily commuting patterns under road tolls and parking charges in a linear city. Transportation Research Part B 42(1), 38-56.

28. Zhang X.N., Yang H., Huang H.-J. (2008) Multiclass multicriteria mixed equilibrium on networks and uniform link tolls for system optimum. European Journal of Operational Research 189, 146–158.

29. Li Z.C., Lam W.H.K., Wong S.C., Huang H.-J., Zhu D.L. (2008) Reliability evaluation for stochastic and time-dependent networks with multiple parking facilities. Network and Spatial Economics 8, 355-381.

30. Huang H.-J. and Guo R.Y. (2008) Static floor field and exit choice for pedestrian evacuation in rooms with internal obstacles and multiple exits. Physical Review E 78, 021131

31. Liu T.L., Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Zhang X.N. (2009) Continuum modeling of park-and-ride services in a linear monocentric city with deterministic mode choice. Transportation Research Part B 43(6), 692-707.

32. Tian Q., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2010) Novel travel cost functions based on morning peak commuting equilibrium. Operations Research Letters 38, 195-200.

33. Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2011) Collection, spillback, and dissipation in pedestrian evacuation: a network-based method. Transportation Research Part B 45 (3), 490-506.

34. Huang H.-J., Liu T.L., Guo X. and Yang H. (2011) Inefficiency of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium in a traffic network under ATIS. Network and Spatial Economics 11(2), 255-269.

35. Zhang X.N., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2011) Improving travel efficiency by parking permits distribution and trading. Transportation Research Part B 45 (7), 1018-1034.

36. Liu T.L., Chen J. and Huang H.-J. (2011) Existence and efficiency of oligopoly equilibrium under toll and capacity competition. Transportation Research Part E 47(6), 908-919.

37. Tian Q. Huang H.-J., Yang H. and Gao Z.Y. (2012) Efficiency and equity of ramp control and capacity allocation mechanisms in a freeway corridor. Transportation Research Part C 20, 126-143.

38. Tang T.Q., Wu Y.H., Huang H.-J., Lou Caccetta (2012) An aircraft boarding model accounting for passengers’ individual properties. Transportation Research Part C 22, 1-16.

39. Guo R.Y. and Huang H.-J. (2012) Formulation of pedestrian movement in microscopic models with continuous space representation. Transportation Research Part C 24, 50-61.

40. Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. and Wong S.C. (2012) Route choice in pedestrian evacuation under conditions of good and zero visibility: experimental and simulation results. Transportation Research Part B 46 (6), 669-686.

41. Tian L.J., Huang H.-J. and Gao Z.Y. (2012) A cumulative perceived value-based dynamic user equilibrium model considering the travelers’ risk evaluation on arrival time. Network and Spatial Economics 12(4), 589-608.

42. Tian L.J., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2013) Tradable credit schemes for managing bottleneck congestion and modal split with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 54(Aug.), 1-13.

43. Guo RY, Yang H and Huang H.-J. (2013) A discrete rational adjustment process of link flows in traffic networks. Transportation Research Part C 34, 121-137.

44. Long JC, Huang H.-J., Gao ZY and Szeto WY. (2013) An intersection-movement-based dynamic user optimal route choice problem. Operations Research 61(5), 1134-1147.

45. Wu WX and Huang H.-J. (2014) Equilibrium and modal split in a competitive highway/transit system under different road-use pricing strategies. Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 48 (1), 153-169.

46. Xiao LL, Liu RH and Huang H.-J. (2014) Stochastic bottleneck capacity, merging traffic and morning commute. Transportation Research Part E 64, 48-70.

47. Long JC, Szeto WY and Huang H.-J. (2014) A bi-objective turning restriction design problem in urban road networks. European Journal of Operational Research 237(2), 426-439.

48. Wu WX and Huang H.-J. (2014) Finding anonymous tolls to realize target flow pattern in networks with continuously distributed value of time. Transportation Research Part B 65, 31-46.

49. Gao ZY, Qu YC, Li XG, Long JC and Huang H.-J. (2014) Simulating dynamic escape process in large-scale public places. Operations Research 62 (6), 1344-1357.

50. Guo RY, Yang H, Huang H.-J. and Tang ZJ. (2015) Link-based day-to-day network traffic dynamics and equilibria. Transportation Research Part B 71, 248-260.

51. Xiao LL, Huang H.-J. and Liu RH. (2015) Congestion behavior and tolls in a bottleneck model with stochastic capacity. Transportation Science, 49 (1), 46-65.

52. Long JC, Szeto WY, Shi Q, Gao ZY and Huang H.-J. (2015) A nonlinear equation system approach to the dynamic stochastic user equilibrium simultaneous route and departure time choice problem. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 11 (5), 388-419.

53. Long JC, Szeto WY, Huang H.-J. and Gao ZY. (2015) An intersection-movement-based stochastic dynamic user optimal route choice model for assessing network performance. Transportation Research Part B, 74, 182-217.

54. Tian LJ, Huang H.-J. (2015). Modeling the modal split and trip scheduling with commuters' uncertainty expectation. European Journal of Operational Research, 244, 815-822.

55. Lu X.S., Liu T.L. and Huang H.-J. (2015) Pricing and mode choice based on nested logit model and trip-chain costs. Transport Policy, 44, 76-88.

56. Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J. and Shang H.Y. (2015) Influences of the driver’s bounded rationality on micro driving behavior, fuel consumption and emissions. Transportation Research Part D, 41, 423-432.

57. Liu P., Liao F.X., Huang H.-J. and Timmermans H. (2015) Dynamic activity-travel assignment in multi-state supernetworks. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 656-671.

58. Wu W.X. and Huang H.-J. (2015) An ordinary differential equation formulation of the bottleneck model with user heterogeneity. Transportation Research Part B, 81, 34-58.

59. Long J.C., Szeto W.Y., Gao Z.Y., Huang H.-J. and Shi Q. (2016) The nonlinear equation system approach to solve dynamic user optimal simultaneous route and departure time choice problems. Transportation Research Part B, 83, 179-206.

60. Zhao C.L. and Huang. H.-J. (2016) Experiment of boundedly rational route choice behavior and the model under satisficing rule. Transportation Research Part C, 68, 22-37.

61. Guo RY and Huang H.-J. (2016) A discrete dynamical system of formulating traffic assignment: Revisiting Smith’s model. Transportation Research Part C, 71, 122-142.

62. Xiao LL, Liu TL, Huang H.-J. (2016) On the morning commute problem with carpooling behavior under parking space constraint. Transportation Research Part B, 91, 383-407.

63. Guo RY, Yang H, Huang H.-J. and Tan ZJ. (2016) Day-to-day flow dynamics and congestion control. Transportation Science, 50(3), 982-997.

64. Liu P., Liao F.X., Huang H.-J. and Timmermans H. (2016) Dynamic activity-travel assignment in multi-state supernetworks under road and location capacity constraints. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 12(7), 572-590.

65. Li C.Y., Huang H.-J. (2017) Morning commute in a single-entry traffic corridor with early and late arrivals. Transportation Research Part B, 97: 23-49.

66. Li M., Huang H.-J. (2017) A regret theory-based route choice model. Transportmetrica Part A: Transport Science, 13(3), 250-272.

67. Li Q, Liao FX, Timmermans HJP, Huang H.-J., Zhou J. (2018) Incorporating free-floating carsharing into an activity-based dynamic user equilibrium model: A demand-side model. Transportation Research Part B, 107, 102-123.

68. Zhang C, Liu TL, Huang H.-J., Chen J. (2018) A cumulative prospect theory approach to commuters’ day-to-day route-choice modeling with friends’ travel information. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 527-548.

69. He J., Yang H., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J. (2018) An optimal charging station location model with the consideration of electric vehicle’s driving range. Transportation Research Part C, 86, 641-654.

70. Li CY and Huang H.-J. (2018) User equilibrium of a single-entry traffic corridor with continuous scheduling preference.Transportation Research Part B, 108, 21-38.

71. Tang TQ, Yang SP, Ou H, Chen L, Huang H.-J. (2018) An aircraft boarding model accounting for group behavior. J of Air Transport Management, 69, 182-189.

72. Guo R.Y., Yang H. and Huang H.-J. (2018) Are we really solving the dynamic traffic equilibrium problem with a departure time choice? Transportation Science, 52(3), 603-620.

73. Xu S.X., Liu R.H., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2018) Pareto-improving policies for an idealized two-zone city served by two congestible modes. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 876-891.

74. Guo R.Y., Yang H., Huang H.-J., Li X.W. (2018) Day-to-day departure time choice under bounded rationality in the bottleneck model. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 832-849.

75. Tang T.Q., Yang S.P., Ou H., Chen L., Huang H.-J. (2018) An aircraft boarding model with the group behavior and the quantity of luggage. Transportation Research Part C, 93, 115-127.

76. Xu S.X., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J., Liu R.H. (2018) Mode choice and railway subsidy in a congested monocentric city with endogenous population distribution. Transportation Research Part A, 116, 413-433.

77. Wang J.P., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2018) Tradable OD-based travel permits for bi-modal traffic management with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 118, 589-605.

78. Tian Q., Yang L., Wang C.L., Huang H.-J. (2018). Dynamic pricing for reservation-based parking system: A revenue management method. Transport Policy, 71, 36-44.

79. Guo R.Y., Yang H., Huang H.-J. (2019) Tradable credit scheme for control of evolutionary traffic flows to system optimum: Model and its convergence. Network and Spatial Economics, 19(3), 833-868.

80. Wang J.P. Ban X.G., Huang H.-J. (2019) Dynamic ridesharing with variable-ratio charging-compensation scheme for morning commute. Transportation Research Part B, 122, 390-415.

81. Zhang L.M., Zeng G.W., Li D.Q., Huang H.-J., Stanley H.E., Havlin S. (2019) Scale-free resilience of real traffic jams. Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 116 (18), 8673-8678.

82. Tian L.J., Sheu J.B., Huang H.-J. (2019) The morning commute problem with endogenous shared autonomous vehicle penetration and parking space constraint. Transportation Research Part B, 123, 258-278.

83. Wu W.X., Huang H.-J. (2019) A combined, adaptive strategy for managing evacuation routes. Transportation Research Part B, 123, 182-198.

84. Li C.Y., Huang H.-J. (2019) Analysis of bathtub congestion with continuous scheduling preference. Research in Transportation Economics, 75, 45-54.

85. Shang H.Y., Huang H.-J., Wu W.X. (2019) Bus timetabling considering passenger satisfaction: An empirical study in Beijing. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 135, 1155-1166.

86. Huang H-J., Xia T., Tian Q., Liu T.L, Wang C.L., Li D.Q. (2020) Transportation issues in developing China’s urban agglomerations. Transport Policy, 85, A1-A22.

87. Liu P., Liao F.X., Tian Q., Huang H.J., Timmermans H. (2020). Day-to-day nee ds-base d activity-travel dynamics and equilibria in multi-state supernetworks. Transportation Research Part B, 132, 208-277.

88. He J., Yang H., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J., (2020) Optimal deployment of wireless charging lanes considering their adverse effect on road capacity. Transportation Research Part C, 111, 171-184.

89. Ren T., Huang H.-J., Liu T.L., Nie Y. (2020) Some analytical results on spatial price differentiation in first-best congestion pricing schemes. Transportation Research Part C, 114, 425-445.

90. Ren T., Huang H.-J. (2020) A competitive system with transit and highway: Revisiting the political feasibility of road pricing. Transport Policy, 88, 42-56.

91. Jia He, Hai Yang, Tie-Qiao Tang, Hai-Jun Huang. (2020) Optimal deployment of wireless charging lanes considering their adverse effect on road capacity. Transportation Research Part C, 111, 171-184.

92. Xiao L.L., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J., Liu R. (2021) Temporal-spatial allocation of bottleneck capacity for managing morning commute with carpool. Transportation Research Part B 143, 177-200.

93. Tian Q., Liu P., Ong G.P., Huang H.-J. (2021) Morning commuting pattern and crowding pricing in a many-to-one public transit system with heterogeneous users. Transportation Research Part E 145, 102182.

94. Wang T., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J., Qu X.B. (2021) The adverse impact of electric vehicles on traffic congestion in the morning commute. Transportation Research Part C, 125, 103073.

95. Lu X.S., Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J., Xu X.M., Chen J.J. (2021). Equilibrium analysis of parking for integrated daily commuting. Research in Transportation Economics, 90, 101019.

96. Fu Y.L., Wang C.L., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2021) Parking management in the morning commute problem with ridesharing. Research in Transportation Economics, 90, 101037.

97. Xu S.X., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. and Wang D.Z.W. (2021) Optimizing the number of employment subcentres to decentralize a congested city. Regional Science and Urban Economics. Regional Science and Urban Economics 90, 103699.

98. Lu X.S., Huang H.-J., Guo R.Y., Xiong F. (2021) Linear location-dependent parking fees and integrated daily commuting patterns with late arrival and early departure in a linear city. Transportation Research Part B, 150, 293-322.

99. Xiao L.L., Liu T.L., Huang H.-J. (2021) Tradable permit schemes for managing morning commute with carpool under parking space constraint. Transportation, 48, 1563-1586.

100. Chen Z., Wu W.X., Huang H.-J., Shang H.Y. (2022) Modeling traffic dynamics in periphery-downtown urban networks combining Vickrey’s theory with macroscopic fundamental diagram: user equilibrium, system optimum, and cordon pricing. Transportation Research Part B, 155, 278-303.

101. Wang J.P., Huang H.-J. (2022) Operations on an on-demand ride service system with express and limousine. Transportation Research Part B, 155, 348-373.

102. Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. (2022). Day-to-day dynamics in a duopoly ride-sourcing market. Transportation Research Part C, 135, 103528.

103. Dong T., Jia N., Ma S.F., Xu S.X., Ong G.P., Liu P., Huang H.-J. (2022) Impacts of intercity commuting on travel characteristics and urban performances in a two-city system. Transportation Research Part E, 164, 102792.

104. Yang X.Q., Huang H.-J. (2022) Effects of HSR station location on urban spatial structure: A spatial equilibrium analysis for a two-city system. Transportation Research Part E 166, 102888.

105. Wang T., Liao P., Tang T.Q., Huang H.-J. (2022) Deterministic capacity drop and morning commute in traffic corridor with tandem bottlenecks: A new manifestation of capacity expansion paradox. Transportation Research Part E 168, 102941.

106. Guo R.Y., Yang H., Huang H.-J. (2023) The day-to-day departure time choice of heterogeneous commuters under an anonymous toll charge for system optimum. Transportation Science, 57(3), 661-684..

107. Duan J.X., Li D.Q., Huang H.-J. (2023) Reliability of the traffic network against cascading failures with individuals acting independently or collectively. Transportation Research Part C 147, 104017.

108. Zhong S.P., Liu A., Jiang Y., Hu S., Xiao F., Huang H.-J., Song Y. (2023) Energy and environmental impacts of shared autonomous vehicles under different pricing strategies. NPJ Urban Sustainability, 3:1, https://doi.org/10.1038/s42949-023-00092-2

109. Ren T., Huang H.-J., Luo S.D., Nie Y. (2023) High-speed rail in China: Implications for intercity commuting and urban spatial structure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 97, 104719.

110. Guo R.Y., Huang H.-J. (2023) Modelling and solving dynamic entry pedestrian flow assignment problem. Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 11:1, 1560-1590.

111. Duan J.X., Zeng G.W., Serok N., Li D.Q., Lieberthal E.B., Huang H.-J., Havlin S. (2023) Spatiotemporal dynamics of traffic bottlenecks: an early signal of heavy congestions. Nature Communications, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43591-7